Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Grete Waitz Dies

I've heard Grete Waitz called the greatest women's marathoner ever.

That would be a tough point to argue. Waitz won nine New York City Marathons — more than anyone else, male or female.

In a way, it seems that someone who is the best at something, whatever it may be, ought to be immune from death. Of course, that isn't so.

Waitz died of cancer at the age of 57 in her native Norway today, and that really (as a fellow — albeit fictional — runner said) is about all I have to say about that.

I keep thinking that there must be something profound to be said on the occasion of her death, some lesson to be learned.

But there isn't — except that anyone who ever saw Waitz run, with that long graceful stride of hers, will never forget her.

She set the standard for marathoners. Rest in peace.

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